
Letters From Praha

Wow, last nigh was, how you call it in English.....a bender, only not really. True I drank some booze, and it was more than I needed, but this morning was a strange one. Instead of my body convulsing in retribution for my gross mistreatment of it in the night before, it remained mellow. This allowing for me to get up and go out this morning, get some E-mail sent, and a few updates to the web page generated. Who would have thought that such productivity could come after wiping the sleep from eye's that were a little more than foggy last night. Still, I'd call it luck, and I'm not pressing it for at least another week! Halloween thus passed me by last night, and for the first time I really didn't celebrate it. No Jack-O lanterns, nor the never ending stream of little out stretched hands that normally accompanies this night. On the flip side, there were no egg's to clean up, nor toilet paper in the trees, or soap on the windows. However, I am still laughing at what would have been the reaction of most parents had their children come to my house last night."Say that's a really nice costume, so for you a scoop of plain yogurt." Maybe not yogurt, but I'd be something bad, ya gotta play with them. I think I'd have two bowls, one with the candy, and one full of turkey giblets. You gotta have more than a mighty morphine power ranger costume, you need some guts if your gonna get the candy from Mr. Doane! I get all the wierd from my dad, who I love so much for it.

For all of you shaking your heads, you can send the letters of complant to my father

@ hey Cliff, so your the reason my kids came home crying this year!

I think the time has come to take a head count here at the Krystal again, perhaps take stock of the situation in what amounts to my last 56 days here in the Czech Republic.

The Thirteenth Floor is as Follows:


Yes my room, here you'll find myself, which you need no further information on at the moment, and Martin Hrobsky. We really have interestingly similar background, despite the obvious differences. Music and such we agree upon. Outlook and attitude we are similar with too. The more I get to know Martin the more I feel that he would make a good ambassador, he has taught me so much about this republic, which his parents called home, the Czech language, and character . He's a really good guy, and it's going to be a shame to get on the plane and leave him here. At least we are close enough back home that I can come up to Toronto and hang out.


My old room, and Ali. Well sadly he has remained unchanged in my mind. No wait it's not sad, he's a jerk. We are all still a little curious as to why we were all punished for his actions here. But life went on in a heartbeat, and now I think it's safe to say that nobody really trusts him. We all get what's coming to us, I'll stick to ordering pizzas. Not angry coed's to go.


Erica and Karie's room. I've come to hear more of Karie's stories and it's amazing how far she's been around this world. She's seen so many beautiful things, and places, and done so much. It's all very neat for me coming from a small town sort-a background, and this being my furthest and longest wandering from home. I really don't think that I can make any predictions as to her future, but I get the feeling that she is a traveler and has many more wondrous things to see before settling down. Erica I've not gotten to know as well, but is a sweety. Her understanding of the system here, and knowledge of the language kept me from hanging in the breeze more than once. Erica or "Red" as Craig has come to call her has an adventurous streak in her that I really wish I could have a pinch of some days. I guess we all have it but she has no fear of acting upon it at all. This being partly the reason that I haven't really sat and hung out with her as many times she's out and about. But what comes to mind about these girls is that some day they are going to be mom's and they are going to be the coolest mom's in the world.


Craig and John's room. Here is the other part of the trio some times quartet. Descending onto Praha without mercy, well until we reach the non-stops anyway. John is a student at Alfred -U and so by far the closest to where I live. And I think the only one who really has any idea what I'm talking about when I'm trying to describe some thing from home, via an example of Elmira, or Corning. John's really cool, and his bouncy outgoing, you'll never get me down attitude I find admirable and thank goodness contagious. John's much better traveled in our own country than I am. Originating in Maine, he decided to travel all around the USA and just see it. Hitch hiking a lot of it I can only imagine the stories that we've not heard, as the ones he's shared with us have been just amazing. Craig, my wayward Canadian friend, another whom I'll be especially sad to see off come December. Craig to has had many adventures, both in his native Canada and abroad. All's good times when we're out on Praha, He, Martin, John and I, and maybe we drink to much from time to time, but we could be doing worse. Craig would like to some day be a teacher, and I think he would be good at this. I myself with a similar goal, only instead of college Craig has decided on (and in my mind the more nobel route) teaching high school. Now I myself don't think that I've quite the patients to pollute the minds of the next generation quite so young. But lord knows we're never gonna play soccer for a living! Thank god there's nutters like Craig, that's all I've got to say about that.


Allison and Aubrey's room. Here we have collected to of North America's best into one setting. Aubrey heralding from the west, Colorado to be specific and Allison from Ontario. Aubrey who's taken to some sort of internship I haven't had the opportunity to sit and shoot the shit with in a while. But I've managed to take a few god walks with Allison, and have come to understand her story a little more fully. She being just an absolute gem of a girl, and a dam good trooper to boot. We took a walk that must have managed to go over 10 km in duration. Over hills and across streams, we plodded across the Czech countryside together trading stories, and taking in our surroundings. We came to the conclusion that here is very much like there, and there being our home. Allison has to be one of my favorite's to just sit and talk with here. She and Aubrey have been out of town adventuring over the last few weekends though, so I've really got to get over and catch up with them as to how it all went!

Anna, and Nikkei's room. Arguably the most productive pair on the thirteenth floor. Nikkei came with a wealth of knowledge to us here in Praha. She is perhaps the most well read person I know here, and could compete with maybe only one of my mates from back home. (Timmy if your reading this, that would be you) A born philosopher, I hope to read her works some day, or perhaps present them to my classes, or children. Anna our little work-a-holic here has held a part time job or two since she's come to Czech. She's not only a great student, but puts in time here at the local Irish establishments. And together I'd say they make the rest of us look like slackers! But to each his, or in this case her own, right.

And last but not least Jess, living in seclusion on the tenth floor. I don't get to see her much around the hotel, but she is my favorite Army brat. Of late personal space and the invasion of it has been the order of the day. She's gonna get hip checked if she keeps that one up! j/k If there is one person in this country that can appreciate things that fly as much as I do it would be here. Endless are the conversations on bad terminal etiquette, endless I tell you.

All and all the good crew I was placed with from the beginning. If there was a person for each part of your personality than I'd say this game of Tretris is nearly solved. We've come a long ways in the past two months. Now that we are at the mid-term we've all come to what amounts to the homeward stretch. Everyone now use to this place and comfortable here, I don't think that anyone is ready to think about home any more than is practical.

Together I think we are a wonderful example of how Normal is a term that only applies to a setting on most laundy dryers, and should remain that way.

And so with that I wil again bid you all a good day
If my Erin's reading, I'll be home soon
and for the rest of you, remember keep you stick on the ice.